Hideki Yukawa and Meson Theory

How does the nucleus of an atom stay together? Why don’t the positively-charged protons repel each other and cause the nucleus to disintegrate? The early models of the atom imagined solid spheres, perhaps with different sizes, shapes or “colours” distinguishing one type of atom from another. Then came J J Thomson’s discovery of the electron … Continue reading Hideki Yukawa and Meson Theory

Key Facts: Electromagnetic Waves

Having previously covered waves in general (https://physbang.com/2023/04/13/key-facts-waves/) it is now time to look at electromagnetic waves in particular as this is a topic in its own right. Electromagnetic waves are created by the movement of electrons in different situations. The electrons can be moving in an electric circuit, to produce or receive radio waves, or … Continue reading Key Facts: Electromagnetic Waves

Revising Atomic Structure

Tucked away inside a website of astronomy resources I have just found a brilliant little tool for revising atomic structure, which is required knowledge for AQA Trilogy (and other) GCSE examinations in both physics and chemistry. You can find it at https://astro.unl.edu/newRTs/nuclei/. The assessment is a two-part, drag-and-drop ranking exercise where you have to rearrange … Continue reading Revising Atomic Structure

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

There are various GCSE topics where physics and chemistry intersect, so revising these areas can have a double benefit. One such example is atomic structure. Helpfully, BP Educational Services has just released a new set of resources to help you revise this content as you prepare for this summer's examinations. To access the free knowledge … Continue reading Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table